Saturday, January 22, 2011

18/01/11 A day in Asakusa 浅草

It was another day for us to have a lazy day in Tokyo. We did our laundry in the morning, and after doing our laundry we split up on our own to explore Asakusa. We split up since Annie and Eric wanted to eat sushi for lunch, but I didn't want to because it was mainly all seafood and is expensive, so I decided to go to KFC instead :P

I had a twister meal with melon soda. I'm seriously going to miss melon soda when I come back to Perth. You can get melon soda pretty much anywhere in Japan and it tastes so good! You can't find it anywhere in Perth.

After lunch I had the chance to walk around Asakusa by myself. It was nice being able to walk around the markets and looking at everything.

The start of a temple, I didn't go inside though since we planned to go at night

Makeup! This is the Japanese brand "Kate", I haven't bought much of their makeup though. That day I picked up the 24hr 1 day tattoo eyeliner, I tried it on my hand and it lasted so long O_O I want to pick up a few more before I leave

I ended up buying a new bag on the way home. I'm kind of regretting it right now (I bought a nicer one a few days after haha T_T) But I can still use it I guess. That night we went out to see the temple area again, except it was all closed! T_T

Walked around a whole lot and got dinner as well

1 comment:

  1. You can buy melon soda in Perth :3
    My friend and I use to get it from our local asian supermarket
