30/01/11 Tennoji & Umeda Sky Tower 天王寺と空中庭園
We had a lazy morning since we had to do the washing so we all got ready and headed to a nearby Laundromat. While our clothes were being washed, we went to a cheap Japanese fast food place to have breakfast/lunch. While we were eating it was snowing outside for a bit, it was my first time being in a place where it was snowing but it wasn’t much so it wasn’t that great. I really want to be in a place with lots of snow X_X
Barely can see any snow >< After we ate we headed back to get our laundry. Since the dryer didn’t completely dry all the clothes we had to hang them up in our room. Unfortunately we didn’t have any place to hang it in our room, so Steven decided to use his laptop cable to hang up his washing hahaha. Eric then also did the same thing.

We headed out in the early afternoon to meet Aimi. She took us to a Kanariya, a place that sells icecream/parfaits. It apparently is a really famous place and is usually packed afterschool. There was a line when we got there, but since Aimi used to work there we were able to jump the line and get in straight away xD Aimi ordered a massive parfait, it was huge O_O It was full of cream, icecream and had juice/fruit in the cup, was so good xD

We also had a chocolate parfait too.

After eating all the sweet food, we had some savory food, potato with bacon and cheese!

After the food Aimi took us to Korea town. It is like a Korean market in Osaka, you see lots of Korean people here and kimchi is everywhere O_O The place is filled with food and some clothing, we walked through quickly since it was really crowded and we could hardly walk around T_T

We then decided to go to Tennoji after to do some shopping. Went to a 100yen shop and also an anime store. There were so many Pokemon figurines! I didn’t buy any since they were kind of expensive T_T

Went to a random store where they just sold things for cheap. Russell and Eric both decided to buy these chickens, they’re so noisy X__X

Went to a book store later and I ended up buying a magazine… just because they had free hello kitty earphones in them :P I wish magazines in Perth were this cool, Japanese magazines always give our the coolest things for free in their magazines X_X

Later we went to Loft! I love this shop, it has everything you need. It was kind of expensive but the stuff they had was so cool. I really wanted to buy a bento box from there but decided not to since it was around $25 for it X_X

We went to eat later at a takoyaki restaurant, I didn’t want to eat since I already had bought a lot of nikuman buns beforehand. When the others finished we realized that the Umeda sky tower was going to close soon T_T We had planned to go to the Umeda Sky Tower about 3-4 days ago, but everytime we met up we never went so it was our last chance to go. We had to run to the train station, catch the train and run all the way to the tower T_T
When we got there they only let us have about 10 minutes up in the tower since they were about to close. We went up anyway for around 700yen I think. The tower is so high up, 40 stories high, 173m off the ground X__X You can see all the lights in Osaka city, it’s so pretty~! I had Eric take a video around the whole tower so I’ll post it up once I get around to editing the videos!

The floor had stardust that lit up!