Friday, April 6, 2012

Bambi Princess Mimi Apple Green Circle Lens Review

Hey everyone!
It's been a while, really sorry again for the lack of updates. I've been super busy lately with other things so haven't been able to blog or make as many videos :( I still have so many more exciting blog posts and videos to share with you guys so hoepfully I am able to get through them soon!

Today I have another circle lens review for you guys. These lenses were sponsored by . The lens I'm going to review for you guys today is the Bambi Princess Mimi Apple Green from the Tsubasa Bambi Series.

The lens can be purchased here:

This is my first pair of green lenses so I was very interested to try these out.

Here are some photos:

As you can see they really do enlarge your eyes a lot!

Some other photos:

I think to pull off these lenses you need to wear heavier makeup than usual.

Design:♥♥♥♥♥ Love the design, it's really unique~!
Comfort: ♥♥♥♥♡ I'd say they are very comfortable but my eyes did dry out after a few hours
Enlargement: ♥♥♥♥♥ The enlargement is amazing!


  1. Cute! I have these in grey and I really like them ^^ Wanted to try their other colors too :3

  2. cute lenses,i wish i can try this type of lenses also..(^_^)
    -i hope you will join my first giveaway

  3. your lenses are pretty! I LOVE the color!!

  4. There are nice. By the way, We are from and going to run a giveaway contest, would you be interested?

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