☀ OOTD ☀ Liz Lisa Summer Gyaru Outfit - Mini Tokyo Vlog 今日のコーディネート
It's been so long since I've updated my Youtube Channel T__T Really sorry about that, however I have about 4-5 videos half edited so I should get more videos out very soon!I used to do OOTD videos frequently but kind of stopped, but perhaps I'll try do them a bit more often from now on. Do you guys prefer me filming in front of a mirror or just filming it how I used to in the past?
I filmed this quickly before I headed out to Shibuya one day in Tokyo in my hotel room.
Extra photos~

Blouse and Skirt are from Liz Lisa.
Write commentsOMG so pretty *O*
ReplyIt would be so nice If I could find stores with clothes like that!
Super pretty dress:) It fits you so nicely!
Replyi actually thought that was an op (it's very nice anyways). i would appreciate a makeup tutorial, the easier the better lol. that part at the end of the video was fun.
ReplySo cute! *---*
ReplyI love your videos! keep post them! <3
I'll try upload more random Japan vlogs ^^ The makeup was requested a lot too so I can do it soon ^^