02/02/12 - Shopping in Tokyo! Harajuku, Shibuya, Ikebukuro
Hey guys! Finally we're up to the Tokyo Japan posts! I'm in the middle of editing tours of my favourite shopping places in Tokyo so hopefully they'll be uploaded soon! My next Japan video will be up sometime next week, it will be about my day in Kyoto!Anyway, on this day I was excited because I LOVE shopping in Tokyo. Janelle and I decided to dress up more than usual on this day, since in Tokyo everyone dresses up nicely everyday!

I ran out of bandaids for my burnt neck :( So Janelle gave me a Snoopy bandaid LOL.

Morning coffee!

I was annoyed because Tokyo is more expensive than Osaka :(
Walking towards Ikebukuro station~

Waiting for the train at Ikebukuro

Arrived at Harajuku! One of my favourite shopping places in Tokyo!

Huge Daiso store

This is my favourite accessory shop in Japan. It's called "Paris Kids", everything inside is only 315yen, that's about $4!

Bought so much from there!

500 yen each! (Around $7), or you can get 3 pairs for 1000yen! (Around $13). Didn't get any though since I didn't really like them :x
Janelle trying on shoes haha

Selca in the mirror haha
Liz Lisa Harajuku Store!!

Upstairs is the Liz Lisa Chambre a Coucher (the Liz Lisa brand selling bedroom stuff, homewear etc) and Jugetta (The brand under Liz Lisa that is more aimed towards Otona Gyaru (adults).

Me vlogging~ Will get the Tokyo videos up soon!

We then walked to Shibuya because we didn't want to take the train (trains can be pretty pricey in Japan :(). Actually, it only costs like $2 to get to Shibuya from Harajuku, but we were running out of money so were trying to save as much as possible :P
Saw a huge pair of EMU boots haha

WC Shibuya Store~ Didn't go inside though

Burger King for lunch! In Australia it's called "Hungry Jacks"

Arrived in Shibuya! Me next to Hachiko!

Hachiko on the walls of Shibuya JR Station
First stop! Shibuya109!

After Shibuya109, we then went all the way back to Ikebukuro! Went to another favourite shopping place, Sunshine City!

Saw some weird things...

Janelle and I decided to go take Purikura together!

For dinner we went to a little ramen restaurant in Ikebukuro~

I had the original ramen

Janelle had the kimchi one

It was only our "first" day in Tokyo and we already shopped so much LOL. At that point I remember we were both so low on money so we had to start being super stingy afterwards and saving as much money as we can hahaha. Anyway, I've been super busy with work and uni lately.. so I'm not sure how much I can update my blog because exams are also coming up for me :( I will try my best to update once every second day though!