8/02/12 Odaiba お台場
Hey guys!
Omg it's been SO long since I've last done a proper blog! Uni has been busy and I just haven't had the time to blog which really sucks :( I got so many videos I want to film too but just no time to do it these days :(
It's been AGES since I've done a Japan blog post right? I still have quite a few Japan blog posts to do, and once I'm done with all of them, you guys can request topics for me to talk about relating to anything! (Doesn't have to be about Japan or makeup/fashion)! I really enjoy blogging as it's just a time for me to just sit down, relax and express how I'm feeling, so I really want to get straight back into it again! Ever since I was in highschool I was blogging, I just wish I had more time to do it more often! T_T
Anyway enough of me rambling! haha. Today I'm going to talk about the day I spent in Odaiba, in Tokyo. I've been to Odaiba before in 2011 (
see the blog post here). I wanted to go back to Odaiba to show my friend
Joanna the place since I was taking her around Tokyo.
So Odaiba is a manmade island and was meant to be the "Future Tokyo", but they ran out of money so it isn't really "Future Tokyo" at all. They do have a few really cool shopping malls there and the scenary is really nice. To get to Odaiba you have to take the monorail
In Odaiba~

I think that's the FujiTV building
First we went to the Aqua City mall~
We also met up with our friend Yumi! She was in Australia for about a year to study
First stop was the Disney Store! I had Yumi buy my Disney Sea ticket since she can get the student discount. We were planning to go to Disney Sea in a few days time~

After that we had lunch~ There wasn't much variety of food there, so we just went to the foodcourt to eat
What I like about Odaiba is that there are tonnes of pet shops there! Many people bring their pets along to these stores, there are lots for them to do!

This dog was so excited to see us! haha
And this is amazing!

Food for your dogs! You can even buy birthday cakes for them!


I'm not sure what this animal is, but it was falling asleep like that haha, so cute!
After the pet shop we went to random souvenier stores
Some makeup~
Name stamps!
Of course, Purikura time!!
After that I wanted to take them to another mall, VenusFort. I went to VenusFort last year and it was one of the most amazing malls I've ever been too!

I walked there a year before but I really couldn't be bothered this time because we were running out of time lol. So we decided to take the train down there
Inside the train~
Arrived~! At Palette Town!

I wish they had Professor Oak's Lab there, that would be epic LOL. Instead this place has a lot of good shopping here! One of the most amazing malls I've ever been to (architecture wise).
But before that.. we decided to go into this Hello Kitty playground! "Kawaii Paradise"
Ready for a Hello Kitty overload of pic spams?
Can even get popcorn!
Ok that's enough Hello Kitty for now lol.
In the VenusFort mall, they also have a lot of pet shops~ Shops that sell accessories for dogs including dog prams!
This dog was so cute! It has Stitch on the back of it! haha

Stitch found a friend!
Clothes for dogs! So cute but I'd never dress my dog up like that lol
After we went to another pet shop! I went here the year before, so many cute dogs here!
One of the shop workers asked us if we wanted to hold one of them!

He was SO small and cute! he started eating my hair LOL
Quick toilet break, so here is an OOTD photo lol.
AFter that we went to Kiddy Land! Kiddy Land is a shop in Japan that sells a lot of cute character goods such as Hello Kitty, Cinnamon Roll, Rilakkuma etc
So one of my main reasons why I love this mall so much is because of the interior, it's so gorgeous! It reminds me of Italy!
We decided to stop a bit for a crepe
The fountain in the middle was so pretty!!
Some shops on the outside~ They have a lot of American shops here
Going back home now~
That's it for now for this blog post! I'm so sorry again for not blogging in a while. I promise I will try to blog more when I get more time freed up with uni :( For now if you have any requests you want me to blog about, please let me know!