My Shoe Collection
Hey guys!
People have been requesting this video for a super long time now, so FINALLY I got around to filming it. I have a little obsession with buying shoes, especially since coming back from Japan for the first time! I never used to own many shoes before, my feet are small so I could never find the right sizes here in Australia. However, in Japan it is a little bit easier to find my size!
Here is the video!
In Australia I wear size 5 shoes (most sizes start at 6 in Australia :( ) And in Japan I wear size S. It's a bit strange that shoes in Japan come in size S, M and L! A lot of my shoes came from Liz Lisa because recently last year, Liz Lisa started selling Size S shoes!! Pretty much all my Liz Lisa shoes were all on sale so they were quite cheap when I got them :P
So~! Here are just some screencaps on my shoessss!
Forever New

I absolutely LOVE Forever New. They are pretty much one of the only brands in Australia that stock clothes in size 4 and shoes in size 5! Also their style is really girly, kind of like Liz Lisa!
Liz Lisa

These shoes came out for the Spring 2014 Collection. I fell in love with them straight away when I saw them! They are also the most comfortable heels I have ever owned, I can walk around them all day! There is a huge platform at the front so you aren't really tilting your feet that much.
Liz Lisa

I absolutely LOVE these shoes! Yes they are the same as the previous ones but just in a different colour. I loved the previous shoes so much that I waited until Liz Lisa was having a sale on their website, so I got these for half price!
Liz Lisa

LOVE these Liz Lisa wedges! The only problem is.... they freaking hurt after a few hours and give you blisters :( I tried sorting the issue out by putting insoles in them and all sorts of things but nothing has worked so far.. If anyone knows any tips or tricks let me know! I love them but I don't wear them out anymore because they just hurt so much :(
Liz Lisa

These shoes I got a few years ago. I didn't get them from a Liz Lisa store, but some stores in Ikebukuro Sunshine City in Tokyo. I have a feeling these are fake, but they were quite cheap if I can remember correctly! They look really pretty but are kinda hard to walk in :(
Liz Lisa

I also got these shoes from a store in Ikebukuro Sunshine City. I love them but they are also hard to walk around in... I think maybe because the size isn't right? They feel a bit big on me so its hard to walk in them

I absolutely love these! I was looking everywhere for just some simple heels that go well with a lot of my clothes! They are quite comfortable as well!
Wholesale dress

I got these like... 5 years ago? I don't really wear them much since they are hard to pair with my clothes (actually, not really I just kind of put them in the back of my closet haha). Maybe I should wear them out more!

These shoes are obviously way too big for me haha. They are a size 6 and I usually fit a size 5 in Australia. I got these for a photoshoot a few years ago, but yeah I don't wear these out at all cos they are way too big for me :(
Liz Lisa

Another pair that I bought at Ikebukuro Sunshine City! These are quite comfortable but the colour is a bit hard to match with things :(

I got these many years ago from a shop in Perth! They closed down now unfortunately but these are quite comfortable since the heel isn't very high. I don't wear them out much since they are kinda more formal shoes!
Wholesale Dress

Another one from Wholesale dress! I used to shop at that site a lot back in the day haha. I had these for about 5 years but I don't really wear these ones because they are so hard to walk in. You would think the ribbons would keep your feet in the shoe but it doesn't really do that at all :(
Wholesale Dress

A few years ago these style of shoes were super popular in the gyaru community. I got myself a pair from Wholesale Dress so it's a replica, but it's not too bad. My feet stay in it when I walk (lol) but the buckle is made quite cheap so it does come out quite easily
From Japan

Yeah, I bought them in Japan but I can't remember what shop they were from! They were quite cheap though. In Japan you can find stores that sell shoes for just $10 each! I got these shoes from one of those stores so I'm super happy! I do wear these quite often!
From Japan

And... knowing me if I do like something a lot I will buy the same item in different colours :P This one goes better with my Liz Lisa clothes!
Feminine Cafe

Feminine Cafe is one of my favourite shoe shops in Japan. I absolutely LOVE these wedges... however the back has a zip, and if I do zip up my shoes then I get blisters super easily.. Need to figure out how to stop that :(
Feminine Cafe

I LOVE these! I wore them so much and go well with so many coords!
Feminine Cafe

Yes, I wanted the same in another colour :P
From Japan

I love these little boots! They are so comfortable! The fur gets dirty quite easily (fake fur) but it still does feel quite soft!
Forever 21

These shoes are actually the very FIRST pair of shoes I bought in Japan, EVER! I went to Forever 21 and grabbed a pair for around $20! As you can probably see I have worn these heaps since the heel is kinda chipping away :P

I got these shoes about 5 years ago, and I still wear them sometimes to special events!
Feminine Cafe

I absolutely LOVED these shoes from Feminine Cafe. It was so soft and so comfortable to wear... except I accidentally tripped on it one day and one of the buckles broke :( So sad!
Feminine Cafe

LOVED these shoes since they go so well with my cords! As you can see I have worn them heaps and they're getting a bit worn out haha.
Love Contour

Got these in a store in Perth a realy long time ago. I haven't worn them much since they aren't very comfortable but I only got them for $5!
Wholesale Dress

These white boots are so cute! It's a shame that I don't wear them much anymore since they don't really suit my clothes :(

Got these on Taobao for around $20! So happy with them and they're great!

Got these in Shibuya109 and I loved them! Wore these quite a lot but not so much anymore since they are kinda worn out a bit :(
Liz Lisa

Got this in Ikebukuro in Sunshine City again! I got them the first time I was in Japan haha.
Liz Lisa

Another one I got in Sunshine City on my first trip to Japan! This one was quite unique since it had another part that you can add to the boots and they just become longer! However it wouldn't go on properly so I gave up and didn't put them on for the video lol.
Liz Lisa

These boots were actually my very first authentic Liz Lisa purchase! I got them in Hong Kong since it was all sold out in Japan when I was there. These boots were quite expensive... around $150? It's a shame cos I actually don't wear these much since they are too big for me. I bought them in size M since size S for Liz Lisa never existed back then. I might sell these actually T_T
Liz Lisa

Got these boots earlier this year! They were on sale so I got them for around $50? And FINALLY Liz Lisa releases shoes in size S!! I was so excited!
Liz Lisa

LOVE these boots so much! So pretty and finally something that fits me well! I actually got these after the brown ones (below) because they had a huge sale to get rid of their winter stock, so I got these for $30!
Liz Lisa

I got these before the pink, but I got these for around $50? They were on sale at Liz Lisa!
From Japan

Some black knee high boots from Japan! I actually bought this on impulse.. it was only 900 yen (Around $10) so I thought why not! hahaha. They are actually pretty good quality and quite comfortable as well!
Anyway that's the end of this long blog post lol. Anymore requests for blogs let me know!